錦標賽簡介 Introduction to the Championship

2024年歐洲足球錦標賽(EURO 2024)是歐洲足壇的一大盛事,吸引了來自全歐洲的頂級國家隊參賽。比賽將於6月14日至7月14日在德國舉行,預計將有數百萬名觀眾關注這一盛事。大將軍娛樂城也提供了相關的賭博選項,讓球迷們在享受比賽的同時增添一些樂趣。

The 2024 UEFA European Championship (EURO 2024) is one of the most significant events in European football, attracting top national teams from across Europe. The tournament will take place from June 14 to July 14 in Germany, with millions of viewers expected to follow this grand event. Da Jiang Jun Entertainment City also offers related betting options, adding extra excitement for fans as they enjoy the matches.

賽程安排 Schedule 

EURO 2024的賽程安排緊湊,共有51場比賽。比賽從小組賽開始,16支隊伍分成四組,每組進行單循環比賽。每組前兩名進入淘汰賽,最終決出冠軍。小組賽將於6月14日至25日進行,淘汰賽則從6月29日開始,最終的決賽將於7月14日在柏林的奧林匹克體育場舉行​ 。

The schedule for EURO 2024 is tightly packed, featuring 51 matches in total. The tournament starts with the group stage, where 16 teams are divided into four groups, each playing a single round-robin format. The top two teams from each group advance to the knockout stage, culminating in the championship final. The group stage will be held from June 14 to June 25, with the knockout stage commencing on June 29, and the final will take place on July 14 at the Olympic Stadium in Berlin .

比賽制度 Tournament Format

本屆賽事的比賽制度和以往類似,分為小組賽和淘汰賽兩個階段。小組賽採用單循環賽制,每組前兩名晉級16強。淘汰賽階段包括16強、8強、半決賽和決賽。比賽中如遇平局,將進行加時賽和點球大戰來決定勝負。這樣的賽制確保了比賽的激烈和觀賞性​ 。

The tournament format for this edition remains similar to previous ones, consisting of group stages and knockout stages. The group stage adopts a single round-robin format, with the top two teams from each group advancing to the Round of 16. The knockout stage includes the Round of 16, quarter-finals, semi-finals, and the final. If matches end in a draw, extra time and penalty shootouts will be used to determine the winner. This format ensures the intensity and entertainment value of the matches .

比賽地點 Venues

EURO 2024的比賽將在德國的十個城市舉行,包括柏林、慕尼黑、法蘭克福、漢堡、科隆、多特蒙德、杜塞爾多夫、斯圖加特、萊比錫和蓋爾森基興。每個城市都擁有先進的體育設施,能夠為球迷提供優質的觀賽體驗​​。

EURO 2024 matches will be held in ten cities across Germany, including Berlin, Munich, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Dortmund, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, Leipzig, and Gelsenkirchen. Each city boasts state-of-the-art sports facilities, ensuring a high-quality viewing experience for fans .

參賽隊伍 Participating Teams

本屆賽事共有24支隊伍參賽,這些隊伍都是通過預選賽脫穎而出的歐洲強隊。包括德國、法國、西班牙、意大利、英格蘭等傳統強隊,以及一些黑馬隊伍。每支隊伍都將全力以赴,爭奪歐洲之巔的榮譽​ ​。

A total of 24 teams will compete in this tournament, all having emerged from the qualifying rounds as Europe’s top teams. These include traditional powerhouses like Germany, France, Spain, Italy, and England, as well as some dark horse teams. Each team will give its all to compete for the honor of being crowned the best in Europe .


The 2024 UEFA European Championship promises to be an exhilarating sports extravaganza. Whether you are a football fan or a betting enthusiast, you can find your own enjoyment at Da Jiang Jun Entertainment City. As the tournament progresses, every match will bring endless surprises and thrilling moments.